Tuesday, 2 June 2020

Millie's Math House

Millie's Math House

(as of – Details)

Through seven fun-filled activities that feel like play, your child will learn about numbers, counting, addition, subtraction, patterns, problem solving, size, geometric shapes, and more. Count critters, build mouse houses, create crazy-looking bugs, make jellybean cookies for Harley the Horse, and find just the right shoes for Little, Middle, and Big!

Count at the Cookie Factory!
Decorate cookies with 0 to 20 jellybeans, and discover the sequence of events required to make a tasty treat for Harley the Horse.

What’s My Number?
Place the same number of objects on your stage as Dorothy has on hers!

Create a Mouse House
Use blueprints or your own creativity to learn about geometric shapes as you build a Mouse House.

Discover Patterns with Bing and Boing!
Create, recognize, and complete patterns with Bing and Boing, the bouncing pals.

Explore Creativity with Build a Bug!
Place from one to ten eyes, ears, antennae, spots, feet, and tails on bugs.

Windows XP, Vista, 7 (32-bit only), 8 compatible

Learn about numbers, counting, addition, subtraction, patterns, problem solving, size, geometric shapes, and more.
Count critters, build mouse houses, create crazy-looking bugs, make jellybean cookies for Harley the Horse, and find just the right shoes for Little, Middle, and Big!
Windows XP, Vista, 7 (32-bit only), 8 compatible

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