Wednesday, 3 June 2020

ChessBase 15 2020 Mega Package Includes ChessBase 15 Chess Database
Management Software Program, Mega Database 2020 and ChessCentral's
Chess King Flash Drive

ChessBase 15 2020 Mega Package Includes ChessBase 15 Chess Database Management Software Program, Mega Database 2020 and ChessCentral's Chess King Flash Drive

(as of – Details)

Product Description

ChessCentral - The Leader in Cutting Edge ChessChessCentral - The Leader in Cutting Edge Chess

Chess Base 15 Database Management Software Program

ChessBase is a personal, stand-alone chess database management software program that has become the international standard for chess players, from the World Champion to the enthusiast next door. The latest version, ChessBase 15, brings you spectacular new training features, all geared to improve your playing strength in the most enjoyable way possible. Now you can even generate beautiful ray-trace chess movies that you can post on social media. Start your personal success story with ChessBase and enjoy your chess even more.

What You Can Do with ChessBase 15

Retrieve games according to openings, players and tournaments
Let’s Check accesses the world’s largest database of in-depth analysis (more than 200 million positions)
Assisted Analysis lets you enter a game, click on a piece, and an evaluation is produced for all its possible target squares – highlighted on the board in color
Tactical Analysis will annotate games, inserting commentary, theory, variations, and diagrams before strong moves or errors, placing them into a game or an entire database
Cloud analysis analyzes positions simultaneously with several engines on different computers running in parallel
Deep analysis generates an analysis tree that changes dynamically, as with time weaker variations are dropped; automatic analysis jobs for correspondence games; one click annotates your game with the « Theoretical Novelty »
Merge games on the fly into an opening tree; generate a dossier containing all available information on a specific player from the database; generate a comprehensive openings report with main and critical lines, plans, and most important games
Single click publication of games to the Internet
Print games in superb quality with diagrams and multiple columns; automatic update of your local reference database with the weekly installments of games (one year) *Access to the ChessBase online database with over eight million games
Mobile access with the ChessBase Account

ChessBase 15 System Requirements Minimum: Pentium-PC, 1 GB RAM, Windows 7, DirectX9 graphics card with 256 MB RAM, DVD-ROM drive, Windows Media

ChessBase 15 Mega Package: ChessBase 15 Chess Database Management Software Program bundled with Mega Database 2019 & ChessCentral’s Chess King Flash Drive

ChessBase 15 Database Management Software Program

ChessBase 15 Database Management Software Program

Mega Database 2019

Mega Database 2019

ChessCentral's Exclusive Chess King Flash Drive

ChessCentral's Exclusive Chess King Flash Drive

New in ChessBase 15

* Instant Analysis: Any unannotated game is analyzed almost without delay immediately on loading (optional). Blunders and tactical motifs are recognized. An evaluation profile is created

* Replay Training: Playing through a game with the notation hidden and automatic training questions with tips for each individual move. In addition, a closing award of points scored

* Improved search mask with tactical motifs (skewer, fork, discovered attack, etc.) and examples for maneuver’s and material distribution

* Extended reference search for openings shows increase/decrease in popularity and typical recurring endgames

* Improved search booster delivers more precise results for positions and material. Completely new search booster for patterns and plans

* Game analysis with tactical motifs and recognition of tactics

* Crisp new 3D boards thanks to ray-tracing

Mega Database 2020 ChessBase Games

The exclusive annotated database contains more than 8 million games from 1560 to 2019, in the highest ChessBase quality standard. About 72,000 games contain commentary from top players, and all games are classified into ChessBase opening keys, with more than 100,000 positions, direct access to players, tournaments, middlegame themes, and endgames. The largest top class annotated database in the world, with the most recent games from the middle of October 2019.

The Mega Database is an exclusive annotated collection of chess games from ChessBase

Contains more than 8 million games from 1560 to 2019, in the highest ChessBase quality standard

Exclusive: Playerbase with 540,000 names and 38,500 pictures (Download)

72,000 games contain commentary from top players, with ChessBase opening classification including more than 100,000 key positions

Playerbase which includes about 430,000 names

ChessCentral’s Exclusive Chess King Flash Drive

Now here is a very useful device, and one that you’ll be proud to carry anywhere – a 2GB Flash Drive carved into a wooden chess King! This flash drive is jammed packed with chess engines for both Windows PC and Macs and crammed with interactive e-books. Simply pull the base off this 3.75″ wooden King, which is held in place by strong magnets, and plug it into any USB port. On this flash drive you will find chess books in digital format that you read with your new Chessbase 15:

* Modern Ideas in Chess

* Chess Masterpieces

* Common Sense in Chess

ChessBase 15 - Replay TrainingChessBase 15 - Replay Training

ChessBase 15 – Replay Training

ChessBase 15 introduces a new and completely different approach to replaying games. You can load a contemporary or historical game, click the « Training » tab and choose a side. After that, you will be asked to guess the next move in key positions. Guessing the right moves in a Grandmaster game sounds challenging, but ChessBase 15 will give you hints, at just the right level to point you in the right direction. Sometimes, if the move involves pure tactics, you do not get a hint but must work it out all by yourself.

While you are guessing the moves, the program is rating your answers with a point and grading system. This makes for a highly enjoyable training experience. It lets you grasp the inner logic of a game much better than if you would just replay the moves passively. You learn a lot more when you are forced to think a bit about every move.

Fast Reference Search, Fashion and Endgame IndexFast Reference Search, Fashion and Endgame Index

ChessBase 15 – Fast Reference Search, Fashion, and Endgame Index

Fast Reference Search

The reference search is the central tool to study openings. ChessBase 15 introduces new search technology which yields instant search results on modern computers. Even in early positions, where there are millions of games to scan, the result is immediately available. The new search technology provides additional information about opening variations, which lead to surprising insights.

The Fashion Index

The Fashion Index plots the popularity of the current opening variation over time. This can show you how an opening evolved historically.

Endgame Probability

When entering or replaying a game you can check the probability for different endgame types in the current opening variation.

ChessBase 15 - Ray Tracing 3D board (64-bit Intel CPU only)ChessBase 15 - Ray Tracing 3D board (64-bit Intel CPU only)

3D Chess Boards made with ChessBase 15

ChessBase 15 introduces new 3D boards based on ray-tracing technology. It takes a lot of computing power but produces perfect shadows and reflections, leading to breathtaking renderings of chess positions. You have to allow a minute or two of calculation time, but the result is strikingly realistic. It’s a tool to easily create beautiful chess illustrations.

Movie with ray-traced board (64-bit only)

These can take a long time to render, hours or even days, depending on the quality, resolution, frame rate, camera movement, etc. And of course the speed of your hardware. The moves are accompanied by sound effects. Ray Tracing 3D board (64-bit Intel CPU only). Currently, this function is restricted to 64-bit Intel processors. Ray-tracing for AMD processors will be provided soon, in an automatic update of the ChessBase 15 program.

ChessBase 15 chess software program is a personal, stand-alone chess database (chess games) management system that has become the standard throughout the world
ChewssBase 15 program features Let’s Check, Assisted Analysis, Tactical Analysis, Cloud Analysis, Instant Analysis, Single Click Publication, Replay Training and more!
The Mega Database 2020 contains more than 8 million games from 1560 to 2018. 72,000 games contain commentary from top chess players. Automatic updates until 31 December 2019
ChessCentral’s exclusive Chess King Flash Drive is a 6GB Flash Drive carved into a wooden Chess King! This flash drive is jammed packed with chess information for every level of chess player and enthusiast.

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